$CRSS Token

Name : Crosswise Token

Ticker: CRSS

Decimals: 18

Emission rate for CRSS per block

  • At the beginning for 14 days: 1.2

  • After: 1

Initial supply:

  • No team tokens

Max supply:

  • 50 Million $CRSS


  • Presale: max 1.5M $CRSS

  • Soft Cap: 250k $CRSS

  • Hard Cap: 1.5M $CRSS

  • Max amount per Wallet: 25000 BUSD

  • Takeoff Price: 1 USD

Initial reward per block:

  • Starting with 50% reward in CRSS and 50% in vested CRSS.

    Vested CRSS will be unlocked and vested linearly over 5 months

Immediate claim of vested CRSS:

  • Users can claim immediate 75% of the total rewards earned. In this case, 25% of the CRSS will be burned. It means that the CRSS earned can be directly unlocked for a fee.

Last updated